Our friends over at Freedom Press, who host the reading group, are having a book launch tomorrow, February the 13th, for Physical Resistance, a 100-year history of grass roots anti-fascism in Britain. Physical resistance covers the fight of the International Brigades in Spain to the Battle of Cable Street and the defence of Southall, and locates these large-scale events alongside forgotten episodes of everyday resistance, collecting voices from across the movement to highlight the ways racism was faced down in communities nationwide. As part of the launch there will be a discussion about the book with the editor of its latest edition, Louise Purbrick, who inherited Dave Hann’s book, and has extended this new edition with activists’ accounts of the formation of the Anti-Fascist Network and their role in street anti-fascism of the twenty-first century.

The book launch will be at 7pm, at Freedom Bookshop, Angel Alley, 84b Whitechapel High Street, London E1 7QX.