
For short(ish) introductions to the tradition of politics that Solidarity Federation comes out of, we recommend the following works:

Anarcho-Syndicalism: Theory and Practice, by Rudolf Rocker – A good short introduction to classical anarcho-syndicalism as it was understood in the 19th and early 20th century. Some of the ideas in this short book/long pamphlet are old and a bit outmoded by modern standards, but it provide a basis on which more complex modern praxis has been built. Especially good in its coverage of the philosophical basis of anarchism, something that has not changed since Rocker’s time.

Fighting for Ourselves: Anarcho-Syndicalism and The Class Struggle, by Solidarity Federation – Our modern take on anarcho-syndicalism, which is based on lessons learnt since the high point of classical anarcho-syndicalism. While it has been a few years since this was first published, it is still a good introduction to the specific perspective of the Solidarity Federation.

Next, instead of a single book, we recommend three short pamphlets that examine modern syndicalist practice and give a good idea of what it is that Solidarity Federation and similar groups actually do. Anarcho-Syndicalism in Puerto Real – A look at the Spanish CNT organising in the shipyards of Puerto Real and how that organising spread outside of the workplace into the community. Workmates – A look at Solidarity Federation organising on the London underground, building alternative structures outside of the unions based on mass meetings in the workplace. The Seattle Solidarity Network – A look at the American IWW members finding ways to organise and successfully resist against bosses and landlords even in times when the traditional forms of mass organisation of the working class is weak or nonexistent.

We also have some recommendations for longer works on anarchist theory, practice, and history:

Means and Ends: The Revolutionary Practice of Anarchism in Europe and the United States, by Zoe Baker – An excellent analysis of the unifying ideas and practices behind the classical anarchist movement in Europe and the United States. Does not just cover anarcho-syndicalism, but is an important work for understanding the broader ideas which anarcho-syndicalism came out of, and situating anarcho-syndicalism amongst other currents within anarchism.

Rebel Alliances: The Means and Ends of Contemporary British Anarchisms, by Benjamin Franks – A comprehensive analysis of the development of modern anarchism in Britain and Ireland, up to 2006, covering both theory and practice and how they interact with each other. If you want to understand Anarchism in the British Ilse and only want to read one book, this is that book.

An Anarchist FAQ, by The AFAQ Editorial Collective – A huge resource for answering common questions about anarchism, often in great depth. We recommend that you do not attempt to read the entire FAQ as a book, but instead look for the specific topics you are interested in.